Site Meter Yokie from Muskogee: You Are What You Feast

Saturday, August 05, 2006

You Are What You Feast

In 5th grade, I was responsible for coming up with the holiday bulletin board display in the cafeteria. I can't remember how I came to be responsible for this chance to get my work out in the public eye, but I took it pretty seriously. I needed something catchy, yet something that promoted good eating habits. Elementary students don't always have nutrition on their mind when selecting a meal. I finally came up with "CHRISTMAS TIME IS EATING TIME, BUT REMEMBER, YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!" I felt something was missing, but for the most part, I was satisfied. My teacher, Mrs. White, cut out out all the letters. As she finished, I figured out what I needed. It should have read FEASTING. EATING was just not festive enough. I pointed my idea out but was quickly shot down. "I am not going to cut out all of those letters, AGAIN!" Mrs. White informed me. Not wanting to cause trouble, I obediently took my seat. All she had to do was cut out an additional "F" and "S."

So, people are always asking me, "What's the food like?" and "Do you really eat raw fish?" If they knew better, they'd be asking things like "Horsemeat? Some people eat it raw?" Anyway, I've compiled a few pictures of some good ol' fashioned home cooked meals.

a typical weekend breakfast

Japanese stew
Most restaurants have a display of wax recreations of their offerings. When everything has a strange name and the menus can't be read, this is extremely useful.
more sushi
One of J-Ma's desserts from a French bakery. mmmmmmm... I have a theory about J-Ma and her desserts. She always picks up the expensive ones. If they're not over $4 each, then they're not fit to eat. Occasionally, Noriko and I pass a $1.00 stand and we supply the sweets. J-Ma will eat them, but with a turned up nose. She's a dessert snob.

What does this restaurant offer? Spaghetti, soup, and...? (I wonder if it's eaten raw or cooked?)

some tempura

some more tempura







At 8:48 PM, Blogger Suzy-Q said...

Mmmmmm! Guess who's coming to dinner? I'll be there at 6pm. :o)

Everything looks very yummy and healthy.(except the whole fish. just couldn't do it...) No wonder they are all so healthy. So, who is the best cook in the castle?

Are those Correlle dishes?

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Jory-san said...

i checked the bottom of the dishes: Correlle

Noriko used to ask me that all the time. I'll just say that I'm NOT the best cook in the castle.

At 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tina and I ate at Fuji's last night. She had not been exposed to much sushi so we had a great time ordering interesting things - new for me - a volcano roll - yummy, but none of it looks as good as all of that, even the fake stuff.


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