Site Meter Yokie from Muskogee: Ask and ye shall receive!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Ask and ye shall receive!

J-pop and J-ma are always cooking for me and beating me to my own laundry. If I glance sideways at a shop window, J-pop almost rushes in to see if they have my size (which is LL in Japan). Last night, with the help of a translator, I conveyed to them that I would like to do something more than washing dishes to pull my own weight. At the moment, I am still a housespouse. It turns out, J-pop has been thinking of cutting down some trees that line one side of the property. In the picture, it's the row of evergreens that runs diagonally from one corner of the frame to the other. They're not that big. But, I don't know if we have a saw, aze, chainsaw, etc. And whatever we get/have- I hope it's size LL.


At 9:54 AM, Blogger Jory-san said...

Update:Noriko just told me that her mom would rather pay someone to do it- that way no mess. Sounds good to me!

At 4:49 AM, Blogger Suzy-Q said...

You are a good house guest Jory, just wait til the new wears off of you and they will put you to work!


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