J-pop was holding his country dancing class in the living room, today, so I decided to make myself scarce. Today's dance was "Urban Grace." It's done to Keith Urban's For the Grace of God. I had Aikido at 3pm so I took off early to walk to Tokuji-sama's house. I had a couple of his towels to return and J-Ma gave me some food to give him. He answered the door with a smile and invited me in. My Japanese must be improving. We talked about his cactus and bonsai collection, the differences between Japanese, English, and Russian (he was in Russian for three years- part of the time as a POW!). We compared our upcoming busy schedules. We also talked about J-Ma's cooking and he gave me some tsukemono (various pickled items) to take back to her. And those are just the topics I remember!
When I get the chance, I take requests. Saur, from the "Uncle Tokuji" entry, wanted to know about Tokuji-sama's oldest bonsai. The three bigger ones on this top shelf are somewhere between 50-100 years old! He said he didn't know for sure their ages. He just added that after he's dead they'll live on.
My mom always asks me, "Son, is everyone being nice to you?" Other than the clandestine group that punctured my tires, the answer is "Yes." On the way back from Tokuji's house I decided to take a shortcut. Of course, I got turned around. I saw some lady on her knees in her garden and asked her to point toward the Supa Great (my landmark). Instead of pointing, she jumped to her feet and walked me halfway to it! I felt so bad. She was wearing slippers and was covered in soil. I kep telling her not to worry, that I knew my way now, but she wouldn't have any of it. Finally, she pointed to the building. I repeated my apologies and gratitude and she answered in English, "It is my preasure!"
Two days ago, an old lady bowed for my attention to ask me if I was cold. She was wearing a jacket and I had on a t-shirt. She was excited by my reply of "I'm ok." and exclaimed how "genki" I am (genki- good, healthy, doing finE: depends on context).
Also, many kids run by yelling, "Harro!" after they pass.
So, yes. People are being nice to me. I haven't tried entering any "Gaijins not allowed" strip bars or "Japanese Only" geisha houses, yet. If I have any run ins with the long arm of the yakuza, I might change my opinion.
Back to Tokuji-sama. At dinner, last night, I told Noriko that he is one cool dude. J-Pop wanted to know what about
him? Isn't
he one cool dude, too? So jealous!